Effective Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses – Part 2

Effective Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses – Part 2

Push and Pull Internet Marketing – Helping Your Advertising Budget Work Smarter

In a previous article, we revealed that using push and pull marketing together can be an effective advertising strategy for your business.  Utilizing the strengths of both approaches is a valuable way to get the most bang for your advertising buck.  A marketing budget today covers a number of areas, including social, search, email and mobile.  According to a recent article published on Entrepreneur.com, digital advertising is now at 35% of all marketing dollars spent on average for companies, and businesses are shifting more of their budget to digital because of its return on investment (ROI).  

So, what is push and pull marketing?


Potential customers are passively using the internet and content comes to them.  For example, you are checking your Facebook page and information is being pushed from user to user via likes, shares, etc.  People push things they are interested in whether it be a new product, funny advertisement, video, etc.


Your audience is aggressively seeking information.  They are looking for answers to a specific question and may be conducting a keyword search in Google.  For instance, you are looking for an Italian restaurant near you or you are interested in buying a new car and would like to see the crash test ratings.  You go to the internet and pull the information you are seeking.


Push marketing can be found in banner ads and paid search in major search engines while pull marketing is when the customer voluntarily pulls themselves to your business. They come to you, because you offer information they desire.  Push marketing helps your company with brand building and the ROI is long term.  However, in order for pull marketing to be successful you must already have a strong, visible brand.  The pull marketing approach is intended for business conversion and a high ROI.  When utilizing these two types of promotional approaches you should find balance in order to maximize your ROI.  The two plans should be viewed as complimentary advertising strategies since they are most effective when used together.

The most successful advertising plans embrace both strategies.  You need push marketing to reach customers who may not have heard of your company or the service you provide.  You need pull marketing to attract those researching your product or service and to promote your company.  Using the two advertising methodologies captures both your aggressive audience out searching the internet for information and your passive market utilizing the internet to pass time.  To see the value of push and pull marketing, it is important that you manage your results in order to tweak your advertising plan as needed to maximize your ROI.

With that in mind, Tiny Giant works with you to establish the best internet marketing strategy for your business.  We are here to help your advertising budget work smarter by using these two internet marketing strategies and measuring results to help grow your business and build brand recognition.

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